Disputing Tax Penalties

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How to dispute your tax penalties

You can dispute penalties and interest assessed through a penalty abatement request based on reasonable cause or as a first time abatement request. In short, you will be asked to tell the IRS your story with particular attention to the circumstances leading up to and during the tax debt accrual (ideally with documentation) and showing that you are now current and compliant.

Needless to say, but you should always be extremely cautious of any promises or “testimonials” that the IRS will waive all penalties and interest. A penalty abatement is not a simple request and it does require expert guidance if any meaningful amount is going to be saved.

If you’d like to discuss your case and learn about ways to not only reduce your penalty debt but also how to setup an “efficient payment plan” that limits the future accrual of new penalties, then click here to schedule time to talk.


Successful Tax Debt Settlement


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