Struggling with Over $137,000 in Overdue Taxes? Don't Face the IRS Alone!

The client at Dickmann Tax Group faced a terrifying situation: crippling tax debt exceeding $115,000 from 2008-2013, threatening his home and livelihood. Being self-employed added complexity, with taxes from both contracting and employee work. The IRS demanded full payment, which meant selling everything – an unthinkable nightmare.

Facing Financial Hardship? We Can Help!

Dickmann Tax Group took immediate action to protect the client from wage garnishments and negotiate a tax debt settlement. Through careful due diligence, we discovered the need to file delinquent tax returns (2016-2022) to achieve compliance and pursue a resolution. While filing these returns increased the total tax liability to over $137,000, we didn't give up.

Our Tax Resolution Expertise Saves the Day

By strategically crafting a statement of financial hardship, Dickmann Tax Group successfully negotiated the account into Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status. This means the client is free from IRS payments, garnishments, and bank levies for the back taxes.

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late!

While we continue working on a state tax settlement, securing CNC status for the IRS debt is a significant victory. This case highlights the importance of seeking professional help when facing overwhelming tax burdens.

Contact Dickmann Tax Group today for a free consultation. We'll assess your situation and provide a clear roadmap to resolve your IRS issues and get your business back on track.


Tax Debt Stopping You? We Get Results.